Fieldbus description (

The fieldbus description specified the list of IO modules and data objects. The following examples shows a complete EtherCAT fieldbus description with one master a 1KHz and two domains: one at 1Khz and the second at 1s. The list of modules is based on the HDK list of modules. Per each data object its necessary to specify the direction (rx/tx) and type (pdo/sdo) The std_name property is a string that correspond to a string extracted from the EtherCAT standard XML files.

FieldBus "isample_ctrl_fb",
    info:    "Main isample EtherCAT bus"
    desc:    "Main isample EtherCAT bus"

    masters: [
            { id: 0, rate: 1000 }

    domains: [
        { id: 0, master: 0,   rate: 1    }
        { id: 1, master: 0,   rate: 1000 }

    modules: [
        { name: "coupler",     position: 0, type: "EK1100-11", master_id: 0 }
        { name: "dig_inp",     position: 1, type: "EL1008-11", master_id: 0 }
        { name: "dig_out",     position: 2, type: "EL2008-11", master_id: 0 }
        { name: "ana_inp",     position: 3, type: "EL3002-14", master_id: 0 }
        { name: "pt100",       position: 4, type: "EL3202-13", master_id: 0 }
        { name: "ana_out",     position: 5, type: "EL4032-11", master_id: 0 }
        { name: "focus_motor", position: 6, type: "EL7041-17", master_id: 0 }
        { name: "fw1_motor",   position: 7, type: "EL7041-17", master_id: 0 }
        { name: "fw2_motor",   position: 8, type: "EL7041-17", master_id: 0 }

    data_objects: [
        { name: "red_push_button",         type: "tx_pdo", label: "RED Push Button",   std_name: "Channel 1 : Input",                       module: 1, domain: 0 }
        { name: "green_push_button",       type: "tx_pdo", label: "GREEN Push Button", std_name: "Channel 2 : Input",                       module: 1, domain: 0 }
        { name: "emergency_button",        type: "tx_pdo", label: "Emergency Button",  std_name: "Channel 3 : Input",                       module: 1, domain: 0 }

        { name: "temp_sensor1",            type: "tx_pdo", label: "Temperature #1",    std_name: "RTD Inputs Channel 1 : Value",            module: 4, domain: 1 }
        { name: "temp_sensor2",            type: "tx_pdo", label: "Temperature #2",    std_name: "RTD Inputs Channel 2 : Value",            module: 4, domain: 0 }
        { name: "temp_sensor3",            type: "tx_pdo", label: "Temperature #1",    std_name: "RTD Inputs Channel 1 : Value",            module: 4, domain: 1 }
        { name: "temp_sensor4",            type: "tx_pdo", label: "Temperature #2",    std_name: "RTD Inputs Channel 2 : Value",            module: 4, domain: 0 }

        { name: "focus_ready",             type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Ready",        std_name: "STM Status : Status__Ready to enable",    module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "focus_enabled",           type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Enabled",      std_name: "STM Status : Status__Ready",              module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "focus_warning",           type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Warning",      std_name: "STM Status : Status__Warning",            module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "focus_focus_error",       type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Error",        std_name: "STM Status : Status__Error",              module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "focus_moving_positive",   type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Moving +",     std_name: "STM Status : Status__Moving positive",    module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "focus_moving_negative",   type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Moving -",     std_name: "STM Status : Status__Moving negative",    module: 6, domain: 0 }

        { name: "fw1_ready",               type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Ready",        std_name: "STM Status : Status__Ready to enable",    module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw1_enabled",             type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Enabled",      std_name: "STM Status : Status__Ready",              module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw1_warning",             type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Warning",      std_name: "STM Status : Status__Warning",            module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw1_focus_error",         type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Error",        std_name: "STM Status : Status__Error",              module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw1_moving_positive",     type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Moving +",     std_name: "STM Status : Status__Moving positive",    module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw1_moving_negative",     type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Moving -",     std_name: "STM Status : Status__Moving negative",    module: 6, domain: 0 }

        { name: "fw2_ready",               type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Ready",        std_name: "STM Status : Status__Ready to enable",    module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw2_enabled",             type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Enabled",      std_name: "STM Status : Status__Ready",              module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw2_warning",             type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Warning",      std_name: "STM Status : Status__Warning",            module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw2_focus_error",         type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Error",        std_name: "STM Status : Status__Error",              module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw2_moving_positive",     type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Moving +",     std_name: "STM Status : Status__Moving positive",    module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw2_moving_negative",     type: "tx_pdo", label: "Axis Moving -",     std_name: "STM Status : Status__Moving negative",    module: 6, domain: 0 }

        { name: "pilot",                   type: "rx_pdo", label: "Pilot Light",       std_name: "Channel 1 : Output",                        module: 2, domain: 0 }
        { name: "emergency_light",         type: "rx_pdo", label: "Emergency Light",   std_name: "Channel 2 : Output",                        module: 2, domain: 0 }
        { name: "heartbeat",               type: "rx_pdo", label: "Heartbeat",         std_name: "Channel 5 : Output",                        module: 2, domain: 0 }
        { name: "counter",                 type: "rx_pdo", label: "Heartbeat",         std_name: "Channel 5 : Output",                        module: 2, domain: 0, index: 0x7080, subindex: 0x01, bit: 0}

        { name: "focus_enable",            type: "rx_pdo", label: "Axis Enable",       std_name: "STM Control : Control__Enable",             module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "focus_reset",             type: "rx_pdo", label: "Axis Reset",        std_name: "STM Control : Control__Reset",              module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "focus_velocity",          type: "rx_pdo", label: "Velocity",          std_name: "STM Velocity : Velocity",                   module: 6, domain: 0 }

        { name: "fw1_enable",              type: "rx_pdo", label: "Axis Enable",       std_name: "STM Control : Control__Enable",             module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw1_reset",               type: "rx_pdo", label: "Axis Reset",        std_name: "STM Control : Control__Reset",              module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "fw1_velocity",            type: "rx_pdo", label: "Velocity",          std_name: "STM Velocity : Velocity",                   module: 6, domain: 0 }

        { name: "focus_enable",            type: "rx_pdo", label: "Axis Enable",       std_name: "STM Control : Control__Enable",             module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "focus_reset",             type: "rx_pdo", label: "Axis Reset",        std_name: "STM Control : Control__Reset",              module: 6, domain: 0 }
        { name: "focus_velocity",          type: "rx_pdo", label: "Velocity",          std_name: "STM Velocity : Velocity",                   module: 6, domain: 0 }

        { name: "sensor_type_1",           type: "sdo",     label: "Sensor type #1",   std_name: "RTD Settings Ch.1 : Connection technology", module: 4, domain: 0, default: 1 }
        { name: "sensor_type_2",           type: "sdo",     label: "Sensor type #2",   std_name: "RTD Settings Ch.2 : Connection technology", module: 4, domain: 0, default: 3 }