2.2.1. Functional and Performance Requirements#

Operational Requirements

For the telescope to meet requirements for science and operational efficiency the SWCS needs to safely control, automate and coordinate most subsystems to act in parallel or in sequence.

Operational requirements range from operation modes (classical, queue, etc.), to observing modes (AO, natural seeing), to instruments, and efficiency. These and other areas and their requirements are summarized below:

  • Operational Modes -– Operational modes involve classical, queue, service, intherrupt, and remote observing, as required by the OCD and the SRD. Technical demands of the science programs often dictate which observing modes are the most suited. While most science programs benefit most from queue observing, “targets of opportunity” will require interrupt or remote observing modes. In contrast, some experimental, pilot, or high risk/high reward programs may benefit from classical observing. Operational modes affect the efficiency of both observatory operations and science, in terms of scheduling flexibility and instrument readiness requirements. In addition, the SWCS is required to operate the telescope with a partial complement of primary and/or secondary mirrors, which will require customized alignment, calibration, and phasing procedures.

  • Observing Modes -– The SWCS provides the capability to observe under natural seeing without any adaptive optics, as well as diffraction limited modes using natural and laser guide star adaptive optics to correct wavefront errors in the images delivered to the focal plane. The required observing modes are: Natural Seeing (NS), Ground Layer Adaptive Optics (GLAO), Natural Guide Star AO (NGSAO), and Laser Tomographic AO (LTAO). For details on these AO modes, refer to the Adaptive Optics section in SLPDR. The SWCS is required to monitor observing conditions and, as conditions change, to provide the capability to switch between different observing modes and different optical configurations.

  • Instrument Operation -– The OCD requires that instruments mounted at any of the ports can be deployed for use on any given night. The instrument ports include four Direct Gregorian ports in the GIR, three Folded Ports on top of the GIR, one Gravity Invariant station on the azimuth disk, one future Instrument Platform station on the non-rotating IP, and two Auxiliary Instrument ports on the elevation axis outside of the C-rings. The SWCS design provides standardized connections to all science instruments, maintain the readiness of all active instruments, and provide the capability to operate and switch an active instrument set during the night. Switching instruments will require the SWCS to automate the process (inserting or removing M3 and corrector-ADC, adjusting focus, etc.), and to monitor that different instruments do not interfere or vignette the fields of view.

  • Availability and Startup –- The operational state of the observatory and equipment must be precisely defined and, at any given moment in time, be known due to considerations for operations and safety of the staff and sensitive equipment. The Figure below shows the observatory states (off, environmentally controlled, standby, on) and processes (cold, warm, and standby starts).


    Fig. 2.2 Observatory Operational States#

    An off state is when: all power is removed from the system, mechanical assemblies are properly parked, enclosure shutters are closed, and the software is in an inactive state. An environmentally controlled state is achieved when the system has reached its nominal operating temperature or pressure. A Standby state is reached when the system has achieved a high state of readiness to be used, and calibrations have been performed. An On state is achieved when the system has achieved full performance specs and is in normal operation.

    In most situations, the SWCS will provide the capability to automatically execute start-up and shutdown processes that are initiated, monitored, and controlled by an operator. Requirements are specified for the amount of time to achieve a certain state for the telescope and the AO system.

  • Blind Pointing –- Blind pointing is used to (re)position the telescope to within the capture range of the acquisition/guide sensors relying solely on the accuracy of the mechanical encoders and flexure tables, without referencing a bright star or science target with known coordinates. The SWCS is required to provide the capability to initialize and calibrate the pointing system from cold start, or on-the-fly, by acquiring a position reference target using an acquisition camera. The initial blind pointing accuracy for GMT is 10 arcsec RMS, with a goal of 5 arcsec. After initial pointing for the night, subsequent blind pointings are required to be better than 5 arcsec RMS over the full range of the telescope motion, with a goal of 3 arcsec. The SWCS will provide the capability to comply with pointing budgets that are allocated and related to software and hardware controls as given by GMT Pointing Budget (GMT-SE-REF-00477).

  • AGWS Pointing –- After stars are acquired by the AGWS, systematic pointing errors typically shrink to a size smaller than the natural seeing FWHM. The amount of residual offset errors depends on guide star brightness, location in the focal plane, the length of time averaging on the guide sensors, and differential flexure between the AGWS and the instrument. The pointing accuracy requirements are specified at the intersection of the telescope reference optical axis (ROA) and the instrument focal plane. For natural seeing, the GMT should achieve pointing accuracy to better than 0.2 arcsec at the DG ports, averaged over one second. At the center of a Folded Port science instrument, the requirement relaxes to 1 arcsec, to allow for relative flexure with M3. Differential flexure between the Telescope ROA and the Instrument ROA will add to the AGWS pointing uncertainty. The SWCS will provide the capability to calibrate and correct differential flexure between the AGWS and/or AO wavefront sensors, using guide sensors in the science instruments, and to maintain compliance with pointing budgets given by GMT Pointing Budget (GMT-SE-REF-00477).

  • Tracking, Guiding, and Scanning -– During science observations, the telescope structure, GIR, and guiders will move along specified trajectories to track the sky or to guide on objects at sidereal or non-sidereal rates. Tracking involves using pre-determined telescope mount and GIR encoder motion rates to track the rotation of the sky without a guide star. Guiding, in which pointing feedback comes from one or more off-axis guide stars, is necessary to compensate for pointing model errors and wind perturbations of the telescope structure and optics. When guiding sidereal astronomical targets, the AGWS probes are either fixed or may move around the telescope optical axis if GIR rotation is disabled. Guiding for non-sidereal targets requires the telescope to track along a non-sidereal trajectory, while the AGWS probes move along either linear or more complex trajectories. The same is true in the NGSAO and LTAO observing modes, in which the AGWS does not provide the fundamental pointing reference but is used to control field-dependent aberrations. In these modes, either the non-sidereal target itself, or an off-axis guide star on the On-Instrument Wavefront Sensor (OIWS, which must be steered along the predicted non-sidereal trajectory) provides the guiding feedback. Continuous / Drift Scanning is a non-sidereal tracking mode where the telescope moves at a set rate relative to sky rotation as the science instrument integrates on the data and reads out at a predetermined rate. The SWCS will provide capabilities to track, guide, and scan, at sidereal and non-sidereal rates. The GMT is required to guide/track on an object with apparent motion of less than 6 arcsec/min (with a goal of 20 arcsec/min) relative to the sky rotation. The SWCS will comply with image quality requirements given by Natural Seeing Image Quality Error Budgets (GMT-SE-REF-00145) and AOS IQ Error Budget (GMT-AO-REF-00518) under AO observing modes.

    In addition to standard sidereal tracking and guiding modes, the SWCS will operate in several other more specialized modes. For certain science observations it may be necessary to guide on a science target by holding the GIR fixed (e.g., extrasolar planet imaging), up to 60 degrees without rotation, or by rotating it at particular rates (e.g., to maintain parallactic angle). For continuous, or drift, scan mode, the SWCS will provide a guided mode for linear scanning at any specified angle, with a drift rate that is selectable up to a maximum, and up to a travel distance limited by the guiders.

  • Offsetting -– An offset is where the telescope repositions by a small amount typically without having to reacquire a guide star. Several variations on the theme that are commonly used are “Nodding,” “Dithering,” and “Step and Integrate.” The SWCS will provide capabilities to perform offsets of those and other types, with varying complexity on the patterns, and to coordinate observations after performing offsets. The offset distance has an absolute maximum of 3 arcmin. The SWCS will provide the capability to achieve relative offsets with overall accuracy requirements that comply with the allocations in GMT Pointing Budget (GMT-SE-REF-00477).

  • Acquisition -– Target acquisition is used for: telescope guiding, stacking the 7 telescope apertures, active optics corrections, adaptive optics corrections (natural and laser guide stars), and positioning science targets. The SWCS will provide the capability to select and acquire observing targets, with acquisition times that comply with GMT Efficiency Budget (GMT-SE-REF-00593).

  • Guiding and Active Optics -– After guide star acquisitions, the telescope guides and delivers natural seeing corrected images to the instruments and/or AO system. During observations, the Active Optics (AcO) use guide stars to align the optics, collimate the telescope, and control the mirror figure for the primary mirror. The SWCS will enable AcO corrections after the end of the telescope slew motion. The SWCS should also allow telescope guiding even with AcO disabled. The SWCS will also monitor the active optics probe positions to prevent shadowing of the science DG narrow field, as well as < 20% of the DG wide field, during observations. Lastly the SWCS will monitor, and prevent, potential interference and collisions of the AGWS guide probes.

  • Efficiency –- Efficiency requirements influence the design of the SWCS by affecting the sequence of activities (performed in parallel or in series), and the partitions of time or error budgets. All efficiency requirements are passed onto, or identified, by the SWCS at Level 5 after other GMT subsystem requirements are better refined at Level 4. At Level 3, the SWCS has a requirement to later identify and define execution sequences for instruments, telescope, and science operations to optimize on-sky observing efficiency, so as to comply with GMT Efficiency Budget (GMT-SE-REF-00593).

  • Calibration -– Calibration requirements ensure that the system performs reliably, accurately, and consistently. The SWCS will provide the capability to support the calibration of all subsystems and instruments in active or ready state, and the calibration of all wavefront sensors during daytime prior to the start of observing. All GMT instrument calibrations must comply with GMT Efficiency Budget (GMT-SE-REF-00593). For AO, WFS calibrations occur during daytime; the amount of time allocated for calibrations for both routine and non-routine operations will be dictated by AO Calibration Efficiency Performance Budget document (GMT-AO-REF-00515).

Thermal Control Requirements

Thermal control requirements manage the heat dissipation in the telescope chamber. Thermally conditioned electronic cabinets are used to control heat dissipation from electronic sources. The SWCS is required to remotely control these cabinets to keep their heat dissipation in the telescope chamber to less than 10 watts per square meter.

Architectural Requirements

Software architecture pertains to the organizational structure; the components and their relationships; the properties of both; and the semantics necessary for understanding or reasoning about the system. Software Architectural Requirements establish the high level structure of the observatory software system. The SWCS Architectural Requirements are divided into and elaborated in the sections below.

  • General -– General requirements outline the high level command and control structure of the SWCS. The software architecture is based on a component model organized in a hierarchy of control and supervision. The SWCS will provide central control for every subsystem, and the capability to switch between central and local control. To facilitate efficiency in maintenance and operations, the SWCS must be able to discover, navigate, and access any feature provided by a software component, from a central location.

  • User Profiles -– To enable users to perform their functional roles, the SWCS defines several levels of access, including the telescope operator, instrument specialists, AO specialist, and astronomers, with appropriate and consistent graphical user interfaces appropriate for each use case.

  • Telescope Control -– At Level 3, the telescope control requirements for the SWCS remain at high level, requiring that all subsystems have a standard behavior, and that the SWCS provides control for all optical and mechanical degrees of freedom. The notion of “Control” includes functions like: physical control, logic, sensor reading (optical, mechanical, pressure, temperature), commands, diagnosis, calibration, safety, configuration, monitoring, or fault management. The SWCS is required to contribute to the performance of the system to within the error budget allocations. In addition, electronic cabinets in the enclosure should contain only equipment that requires short electrical connections to field elements. Remote input/output modules should be used whenever possible. The SWCS is required to use fiber optic cables that provide electrical isolation when needed.

  • Observatory Operations -– Observatory operations involve observations management and execution, and data management. Briefly:

    Observation Management and Execution -– From the SLR, the SWCS is required to provide tools to assist astronomers in the proposal process to define, plan, and execute observing programs. The SWCS will facilitate observing by implementing sequences that allow astronomers and operators to automate complex operations. The SWCS must also provide the capability to schedule and manage observatory workflows and tasks, and monitor the observing status of programs. Lastly, the SWCS will implement tools to assess and validate data quality.

    Data Management –- Data management requirements call for providing: a data archive system for collecting, storing, and retrieving all data acquired during observations, including metadata, for the lifetime of the observatory; methods to generate data bundles (engineering, science, calibration, etc.); a method to group, access, and query science, engineering, and telemetry data from the engineering archive; and a capability to distribute data offsite.

  • Observatory Services -– Observatory services include common infrastructure, networking, time synchronization, and data storage systems. The requirements for those services are briefly:

    Common Services -– Telemetry, system health assessment, log system, configuration management and alarm systems are commonly present in all subsystems and components. The SWCS will provide centralized capabilities to implement and monitor those services. The SWCS will also provide users a universal way to gather information, via visualization displays, or an ability to search on existing observatory subsystems for the presence of software and hardware components, and their available commands.

    Networking –- The SWCS provides the following networking infrastructure to support different levels of quality-of-service and scalability: low latency control network, ultra- low latency network to enable GMT wavefront control modes, high bandwidth bulk and streaming data transfer, industrial Ethernet fieldbus; fiber optics connection between electronic room and equipment in the enclosure and telescope; and redundant network cabling connection between mission critical components.

    Time Synchronization -– Time synchronization is fundamental to observatory operations. The SWCS will coordinate the operations of subsystems to within time budgets allocated by the SLR. The SWCS will also obtain and serve observatory-wide accurate time references.

    Storage –- Storage requirements define the need for different types of storage: non- permanent local storage, transient, permanent, and backup. Critical engineering data and permanent data backup will exist for the lifetime of the observatory. The SWCS will provide a high bandwidth storage network for data access.

Interface Requirements

SWCS shall comply with Internal, Telescope, AOS, Instrument, Facilities, Enclosure, Interlock and Safety System and System Services interface control documents (ICD). The SWCS main interfaces have been identified and the corresponding interface control documents are summarized in the Table below. The overall strategy for interface specification is described in Sections on Software Development and Subsystem Specification and Modeling.

Table 2.2 Software and Controls ICDs (sorted by SWCS PBS)#

ICD Number

ICD Name


Software and Controls to GMTIFS ICD


Software and Controls to GMACS ICD


Software and Controls to MANIFEST ICD


Software and Controls to G-CLEF ICD


Software and Controls to M1 Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to M2 Positioner Assembly ICD


Software and Controls to FSM Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to M2 Baffles ICD


Software and Controls to M3 Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to Mount Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to GIR Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to Corrector-ADC Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to Acquisition, Guide and Wavefront


Software and Controls to Facility Calibration System ICD


Enclosure Control System to Enclosure Building Control System ICD


Software and Controls to Enclosure Building Control System ICD


Software and Controls to GMT Environmental Monitoring Facility


Software and Controls to Interlock and Safety System ICD


Software and Controls to Adaptive Secondary Mirror System ICD


Software and Controls to VWS Support Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to Natural Guide Star WFS Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to Laser Tomography WFS Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to On-Instrument WFS System ICD


Software and Controls to Phasing Camera Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to M1 Edge Sensor Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to M2 Edge Sensor Subsystem ICD


Software and Controls to AO Real Time System ICD


Software and Controls to Laser Guide Star Facility ICD


Software and Controls to AO Calibration System ICD


Software and Controls to AO Commissioning Camera System ICD


Software and Controls to Electronics Cabinets and Enclosures ICD