1. Software and Controls Data Product Specifications II#
1.1. Introduction#
This report provides a list of the FITS data product files produced by the Data Processing Subsystem.
1.2. Acronyms#
1.3. FITS-Standard Data Containers#
1.3.1. Primary HDU (PHDU)#
- Description:
This is a basic model that defines the primary header data unit, or PHDU, of a FITS container. This model creates an empty storage container.
- Format:
Position attribute ‘pos’ defines the order in the FITS header, where -1 is the last position, while 0 specifies no particular location. The last keyword in the header must be END, i.e. ‘pos: -1’.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
8 |
phdu |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
phdu |
4 |
naxis1 |
0 |
phdu |
5 |
naxis2 |
0 |
phdu |
-1 |
end |
phdu |
1.3.2. Extension HDU: Image#
- Description:
This is a basic model that defines an empty FITS storage container for an image extension. This base ‘image’ defines an area of 1024 columns and 1024 rows Position attribute ‘pos’ defines the order in the FITS header, where -1 is the last position, while 0 specifies no particular location.
- Format:
The header keywords must follow the order shown, i.e. the first keyword must be XTENSION = ‘IMAGE ‘, the second BITPIX = 16, and so on. The last keyword in the header must be END.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
2 |
bitpix |
8 |
phdu |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
phdu |
4 |
naxis1 |
0 |
phdu |
5 |
naxis2 |
0 |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
1.3.3. Extension HDU: ASCII Table#
- Description:
This is a basic model that defines an empty FITS storage container for an ASCII table extension. An ASCII table can store catalogues and tables of data. Each row of the table has a fixed length of ASCII characters, divided into columns by TBCOLn. This base ‘table’ defines an area of ASCII text that has one column which is 80 characters wide and 100 rows deep. Position attribute ‘pos’ defines the order in the FITS header, where -1 is the last position, while 0 specifies no particular location.
- Format:
The header keywords must follow the order shown, i.e. the first keyword must be XTENSION = ‘TABLE ‘, the second BITPIX = 16, and so on. The last keyword in the header must be END.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
2 |
bitpix |
8 |
phdu |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
phdu |
4 |
naxis1 |
0 |
phdu |
5 |
naxis2 |
0 |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
ttype1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tbcol1 |
1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tform1 |
A80 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
1.3.4. Extension HDU: Binary Table#
- Description:
This is a basic model that defines an empty FITS storage container for an binary table extension. This base ‘table’ defines storage for 1 column and 100 rows of integers, where each row has 1024 bytes in width. Position attribute ‘pos’ defines the order in the FITS header, where -1 is the last position, while 0 specifies no particular location.
- Format:
The header keywords must follow the order shown, i.e. the first keyword must be XTENSION = ‘BINTABLE’, the second BITPIX = 16, and so on. The last keyword in the header must be END.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
2 |
bitpix |
8 |
phdu |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
phdu |
4 |
naxis1 |
0 |
phdu |
5 |
naxis2 |
0 |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
9 |
ttype1 |
Col |
hdu1 |
10 |
tform1 |
1024I |
hdu1 |
11 |
tunit1 |
Counts |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
1.4. Common Data Product Patterns#
1.4.1. Base Exposure Primary HDU (PHDU)#
- Description:
This is a basic model that specifies baseline headers that are found in an GMT exposure. This ought to be inherited by all imaging and spectroscopy exposures.
- Format:
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
date |
phdu |
0 |
iraf_tlm |
phdu |
0 |
nextend |
phdu |
0 |
origin |
phdu |
0 |
rootname |
phdu |
0 |
filename |
phdu |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
telescop |
phdu |
0 |
instrume |
phdu |
0 |
equinox |
phdu |
0 |
proposid |
phdu |
0 |
pr_inv_l |
phdu |
0 |
pr_inv_f |
phdu |
0 |
pr_inv_m |
phdu |
0 |
targname |
phdu |
0 |
object |
phdu |
0 |
ra_targ |
phdu |
0 |
dec_targ |
phdu |
0 |
tequinox |
phdu |
0 |
expname |
phdu |
0 |
date_obs |
phdu |
0 |
time_obs |
phdu |
0 |
expstart |
phdu |
0 |
expend |
phdu |
0 |
exptime |
phdu |
0 |
nrptexp |
phdu |
0 |
crsplit |
phdu |
0 |
qualcom1 |
phdu |
0 |
qualcom2 |
phdu |
0 |
qualcom3 |
phdu |
0 |
quality |
phdu |
0 |
postarg1 |
phdu |
0 |
postarg2 |
phdu |
0 |
eqnx_off |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
obsmode |
phdu |
0 |
photmode |
phdu |
0 |
sclamp |
phdu |
0 |
lamp_id |
phdu |
0 |
lamp_vol |
phdu |
0 |
subarray |
F |
phdu |
0 |
detector |
phdu |
0 |
cmdgain |
phdu |
0 |
opt_elem |
phdu |
0 |
propaper |
phdu |
0 |
aperture |
phdu |
0 |
aper_fov |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
cenwave |
phdu |
0 |
detamp |
phdu |
0 |
atodgain |
phdu |
0 |
rdnoise |
phdu |
0 |
detoffst |
phdu |
0 |
platesc |
phdu |
0 |
centera1 |
phdu |
0 |
sizaxis1 |
phdu |
0 |
sizaxis2 |
phdu |
0 |
binaxis1 |
phdu |
0 |
binaxis2 |
phdu |
0 |
bpixtab |
phdu |
0 |
darkfile |
phdu |
0 |
pfltfile |
phdu |
0 |
dfltfile |
phdu |
0 |
lfltfile |
phdu |
0 |
ffltfile |
phdu |
0 |
phottab |
phdu |
0 |
apertab |
phdu |
0 |
ccdtab |
phdu |
0 |
atodtab |
phdu |
0 |
biasfile |
phdu |
0 |
shadfile |
phdu |
0 |
crrejtab |
phdu |
0 |
wavecal |
phdu |
0 |
sptrctab |
phdu |
0 |
disptab |
phdu |
0 |
lamptab |
phdu |
0 |
sdctab |
phdu |
0 |
xtractab |
phdu |
0 |
pctab |
phdu |
0 |
wcptab |
phdu |
0 |
itdstab |
phdu |
0 |
asn_id |
phdu |
0 |
asn_tab |
phdu |
0 |
meanexp |
phdu |
0 |
scalense |
phdu |
0 |
initgues |
phdu |
0 |
skysub |
phdu |
0 |
crsigmas |
phdu |
0 |
crradius |
phdu |
0 |
crthresh |
phdu |
0 |
badinpdq |
phdu |
0 |
rej_rate |
phdu |
0 |
crmask |
phdu |
0 |
pattern1 |
phdu |
0 |
p1_shape |
phdu |
0 |
p1_purps |
phdu |
0 |
p1_npts |
phdu |
0 |
p1_pspac |
phdu |
0 |
p1_lspac |
phdu |
0 |
p1_angle |
phdu |
0 |
p1_frame |
phdu |
0 |
p1_orint |
phdu |
0 |
p1_centr |
phdu |
0 |
propttl1 |
phdu |
0 |
obset_id |
phdu |
0 |
targdesc |
phdu |
0 |
pm_flag |
phdu |
0 |
parallax |
phdu |
0 |
pm_ra |
phdu |
0 |
pm_dec |
phdu |
0 |
pm_equin |
phdu |
0 |
pa_v3 |
phdu |
0 |
airmass |
phdu |
0 |
gs1_ra |
phdu |
0 |
gs1_dec |
phdu |
0 |
gs1_mag |
phdu |
0 |
gs1_filt |
phdu |
0 |
gs1_eqnx |
phdu |
0 |
gs2_ra |
phdu |
0 |
gs2_dec |
phdu |
0 |
gs2_mag |
phdu |
0 |
gs2_filt |
phdu |
0 |
gs2_eqnx |
phdu |
0 |
gs3_ra |
phdu |
0 |
gs3_dec |
phdu |
0 |
gs3_mag |
phdu |
0 |
gs3_filt |
phdu |
0 |
gs3_eqnx |
phdu |
0 |
gs4_ra |
phdu |
0 |
gs4_dec |
phdu |
0 |
gs4_mag |
phdu |
0 |
gs4_filt |
phdu |
0 |
gs4_eqnx |
phdu |
0 |
proctime |
phdu |
0 |
history |
phdu |
1.4.2. Base Exposure Extension HDU (EHDU)#
- Description:
This is a basic model that specifies baseline headers that are found in an GMT exposure. This ought to be inherited by all imaging and spectroscopy exposures.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
extname |
ehdu |
0 |
extver |
ehdu |
0 |
iraf_tlm |
ehdu |
0 |
inherit |
ehdu |
0 |
expname |
ehdu |
0 |
bunit |
ehdu |
0 |
asn_mtyp |
ehdu |
0 |
wcsaxes |
ehdu |
0 |
crpix1 |
ehdu |
0 |
crpix2 |
ehdu |
0 |
crval1 |
ehdu |
0 |
crval2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ctype1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ctype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
cd1_1 |
ehdu |
0 |
cd1_2 |
ehdu |
0 |
cd2_1 |
ehdu |
0 |
cd2_2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ltv1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ltv2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ltm1_1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ltm2_2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ra_aper |
ehdu |
0 |
dec_aper |
ehdu |
0 |
pa_aper |
ehdu |
0 |
dispaxis |
ehdu |
0 |
cunit1 |
ehdu |
0 |
cunit2 |
ehdu |
0 |
orientat |
ehdu |
0 |
sunangle |
ehdu |
0 |
moonangl |
ehdu |
0 |
sun_alt |
ehdu |
0 |
refframe |
ehdu |
0 |
date_obs |
ehdu |
0 |
time_obs |
ehdu |
0 |
expstart |
ehdu |
0 |
expend |
ehdu |
0 |
exptime |
ehdu |
0 |
expflag |
ehdu |
0 |
rv_helio |
ehdu |
0 |
pattstep |
ehdu |
0 |
ncombine |
ehdu |
0 |
ngoodpix |
ehdu |
0 |
sdqflags |
ehdu |
0 |
goodmin |
ehdu |
0 |
goodmax |
ehdu |
0 |
snrmin |
ehdu |
0 |
snrmax |
ehdu |
0 |
snrmean |
ehdu |
0 |
softerrs |
ehdu |
0 |
meandark |
ehdu |
0 |
meanblev |
ehdu |
0 |
sporder |
ehdu |
1.4.3. Base Calibration Reference Table (CRT)#
- Description:
This is a basic model that specifies baseline headers for GMT calibration reference tables.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
simple |
T |
phdu |
0 |
bitpix |
8 |
ehdu |
0 |
naxis |
2 |
ehdu |
0 |
extend |
T |
phdu |
0 |
filename |
phdu |
0 |
telescop |
phdu |
0 |
instrume |
phdu |
0 |
date |
phdu |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
use_date |
phdu |
0 |
descrip |
phdu |
0 |
aperture |
phdu |
0 |
cenwave |
phdu |
0 |
end |
ehdu |
0 |
xtension |
ehdu |
0 |
naxis1 |
ehdu |
0 |
naxis2 |
ehdu |
0 |
pcount |
0 |
ehdu |
0 |
gcount |
1 |
ehdu |
0 |
tfields |
ehdu |
0 |
extname |
ehdu |
0 |
extver |
1 |
phdu |
0 |
inherit |
T |
ehdu |
1.5. Calibration and Reference File Data Products#
1.5.1. Bias Frame (BIA)#
- Description:
This is an image of the electronic zeropoint-level of an instrument, obtained with all light sources turned off, the detector shutter closed, and zero-second (or shortest possible) integration time. Usually, multiple (>10) bias images are taken at the beginning and/or end of the night and combined into one image. The file for the combined bias frame has the ‘bia’ suffix; pre-combined bias frames have a ‘raw’ suffix. The combined bias image is removed from the science images, usually as the first step in the data reduction.
- Format:
For both a single and multi-chip detector, the combined bias image is stored as an multi-extension file, with each set corresponding to each detector chip. If it is possible to change the binning mode of a detector, the binning factors are given by BINAXIS1 and BINAXIS2 header parameters. The bias image [SCI] and the error array [ERR] have raw detector data units (DN), such that GAIN * DN = electrons.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
bunit |
DN |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.5.2. Dark Frame (DRK)#
- Description:
This image records the dark-current signal of an instrument, obtained with ambient light turned off, the detector shutter closed. Typically, multiple dark exposures are taken at the beginning and/or end of the night, using different integration time settings. After subtracting out the bias, the individual dark images are combined into one and normalized to 1 second. The file for the combined dark frame has the “drk” suffix; pre-combined dark frames have a “raw” suffix. When applying dark correction to a science image, the combined dark image is scaled to the exposure time of the science image and removed, usually either as the second (after bias subtraction) or third (after overscan correction, if relevant) step in the data reduction.
- Format:
A combined dark image is stored as an MEF of the type shown in Figure 5-1 for an optical/UV detector, and Figure 5 2 for a NIR detector. When it is possible to change the binning mode of a detector, the binning factors are given by BINAXIS1 and BINAXIS2 header parameters. The dark image [SCI] and the error array [ERR] have raw detector data units per second (DN/sec), such that GAIN * DN = electrons/sec, for both UVIS and IR images. The header keyword EXPTIME = 1 is set to indicate the normalization.
Two flags in the [DQ] extension that potentially are present are 16 (hot pixels) and 128 (bad reference pixels, for IR detectors). Other, more permanent flags, e.g. dead and unstable pixels, should be stored in the bad pixel table (suffix “BPX”) file. IR detectors – For IR detectors, the SAMP and the TIME image extensions (see Figure 5 2) are used to calculate the total exposure times (TIME * SAMP) at each pixel. The SAMP extension gives the total number of retained input samples after image combination, and is an image. The TIME extension gives the total open shutter exposure time at that readout sequence and is a single value for all pixels, thus the exposure time is stored as a PIXVALUE keyword value and not as EXPTIME (=1.0).
NUMEXPOS is intended for NIR MEF, where the keyword in the phdu contains the number of sets.
PIXVALUE is used for the TIME extension, for image exposure time.
SAMP_SEQ, for NIR data, name the sampling sequence for a MULTIACCUM readout.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
numexpos |
phdu |
0 |
bunit |
DN/s |
phdu |
0 |
pixvalue |
ehdu |
0 |
exptime |
1 |
ehdu |
0 |
samp_seq |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.5.3. Dome Flat Field (DFL)#
- Description:
The dome-flat is an image that records the pixel-to-pixel response of a detector, using a bright artificial light source in the dome to provide the illumination. Dome flats contain wavelength-dependent information about the uniformity of the detector response. After bias and dark subtraction, the combined dome flat is divided into the science images for calibration.
- Format:
A combined dome image is stored as an MEF of the type shown in Figure 5-1 for all optical/UV and NIR detectors, with only a single set of extension HDUs. The suffix “DFL” is used only for combined flat; individual raw flatfield images have the “RAW” suffix.
The median of the pixel value distribution is normalized to 1.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
bunit |
DN |
phdu |
0 |
lamp_id |
phdu |
0 |
lamp_vol |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.5.4. Night Sky Flat Field (NFL)#
- Description:
A night-sky flatfield is an image that records the pixel-to-pixel response of a detector using sky observations. Night-sky flatfields contain wavelength-dependent information about the uniformity of the detector response. They are similar to twilight-sky flats (or “twiflats,” suffix TFL, Appendix B.01f), except they are taken in the middle of the night rather than near sunrise or sunset for twiflats. The images used to combine night-sky flats may sometimes be intended for other purposes, such as science images themselves. Often, night-sky flats are observed immediately surrounding the intended science images. Night-sky and twi-flats may be derived using different data processing procedures. After bias and dark subtraction, the combined flat is divided into the science images for calibration.
- Format:
A combined night-sky flatfield image is stored as an MEF of the type shown in Figure 5-1 for all optical/UV and NIR detectors, with only a single set of extension HDUs. The suffix “NFL” is used only for combined flat; individual raw flatfield images have the “RAW” suffix.
Median of the pixel value distribution is normalized to 1.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
bunit |
DN |
phdu |
0 |
lamp_id |
phdu |
0 |
lamp_vol |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.5.5. Twilight Flat Field (TFL)#
- Description:
A twilight sky-flat (or ‘twiflats’) is an image that records the pixel-to-pixel response of a detector using sky observations. Twiflats contain wavelength-dependent information about the uniformity of the detector response, and by definition are taken close to sunset or sunrise. The distinction between night-sky flatfield, dome flats, and twiflats should be made clear, as different data processing procedures are sometimes involved. After bias and dark subtraction, the combined flat is divided into the science images for calibration.
- Format:
A combined twiflat image is stored as a multi-extension file for all optical/UV and NIR detectors, with only a single set of extension HDUs. The suffix ‘TFL’ is used only for combined flat; individual raw flatfield images have the ‘RAW’ suffix.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
bunit |
DN |
phdu |
0 |
lamp_id |
phdu |
0 |
lamp_vol |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.5.6. Background Illumination Pattern (ILM)#
- Description:
This is an image of spatially variable background illumination pattern. Correcting for the background pattern involves dividing the illumination image from data. When the signal is low, the background illumination pattern file is sometimes constructed using multiple (potentially science) images with object rejection, or by smoothing the background illumination pattern image. Details of image combination and smoothing are stored under the header keyword HISTORY, or potentially in a data processing trailer file.
- Format:
A background illumination file is stored as an MEF of the type shown in Figure 5 1 for all optical/UV and NIR detectors. The suffix “ILM” is used only for combined illumination file; individual raw flatfield images have the “RAW” suffix.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
bunit |
DN |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.5.7. Bad Pixel Mask (MSK)#
- Description:
This is an image of all known, long-term, bad pixels for a detector. It is an image counterpart the “Bad Pixel Table (BPX)” discussed in Appendix B.02b. Transient hot pixels or cosmic rays detected during data reduction are stored in the data quality extension (DQ) of an MEF, or in the dark current reference file (file suffix “DRK”), depending on the purpose. The pixel values correspond to the data quality file as shown in Table 5-2.
- Format:
The coordinate origin of the bad pixel image is at the lower left corner after trimming the overscan region. The types of bad pixels recorded and their code values are:
4 – dead pixels 8 – deviant zeroth read (NIR) or bad pixel in bias (UVIS) 32 – unstable (NIR) 512 – bad in flatfield
These values are reflected in the data quality extensions during data processing.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
bunit |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.5.8. Post Flash Image (FLS)#
- Description:
A post-flash image corrects for the signal added to CCD exposures after a post-flash procedure. Correcting for post-flash signal involves: scaling the reference image in exposure time and gain to the science image, followed by image subtraction.
- Format:
A post-flash reference is an MEF of the same FITS data structure, image dimension and binning factor, as the science image. Like the raw science image, it consists of both the physical and virtual overscan regions.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
bunit |
DN |
phdu |
0 |
detamp |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.5.9. Analog to Digital Table (A2D)#
- Description:
This table provides a more detailed account of the A-to-D gain of a detector, i.e. number of actual counts (electrons) for each detected count (ADU) in an image, than provided in the image header keyword GAIN. This table is useful when the actual, measured, gain of a detector drifts with respect to an independent variable (REF_NAME), such as the exposure time, despite the nominal GAIN setting. The values of the independent variable are stored in the REF_VALUE array while the corresponding actual gain values are in ATOD.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
A2D |
ehdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
9 |
ttype1 |
Col |
hdu1 |
10 |
tform1 |
1024I |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A4 |
ehdu |
11 |
tunit1 |
Counts |
hdu1 |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
I2.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit2 |
Integer |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
I1 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
I1.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
I2.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
A12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
A12 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
I2.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform7 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp7 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform8 |
A10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp8 |
A10 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype9 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform9 |
A12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp9 |
A12 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform10 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp10 |
A67 |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.5.10. Bad Pixel Table (BPX)#
- Description:
A bad pixel table contains a list on all known, long-term, bad pixels for a detector. This is the table counterpart of the “Static Bad Pixel Image (MSK)” discussed in Appendix B.01i. Transient hot pixels or cosmic rays detected during data reduction are stored in the data quality extension (DQ) of an MEF, or in the dark current reference file (file suffix “DRK”), depending on the purpose.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
ehdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
9 |
ttype1 |
Col |
hdu1 |
10 |
tform1 |
1024I |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A4 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
I5.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
I5.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
I4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
I4.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
A67 |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
11 |
tunit1 |
Counts |
hdu1 |
1.5.11. Detector Characteristics Table (DCT)#
- Description:
A detector can have several readout modes, distinguished by readout speed, gain, bias level, binning factor settings, which an observer may manually set to optimize observations. Each readout mode is associated with a set of calibrated values in gain, bias level, readnoise, saturation level, etc.. For example, faster readout speeds usually result in higher readnoise. This master table stores information that maps a selected readout mode setting with measured performance parameters.
- Format:
In the FITS table, each row corresponds to a readout configuration. Each row is uniquely specified by the following parameters: the readout amplifiers configuration (AMPCONFIG), the detector chip (DETCHIP), speed of the readout (RDSPEED), commanded gain (CMDGAIN), commanded bias (CMDBIAS), and chip binning factors (BINAXIS1, BINAXIS2), as well as the date and time stamps (DATESTAMP, TIMESTAMP). The actual measured parameters for the readout modes are the bias levels (BIASA through BIASD), gain (ATODGNA through ATODGND), and readnoise (RDNOISEA through RDNOISED).
Table B-18 show an example where a detector chip is read out by 4 amplifiers (A-D), each amplifier reading out one quadrant. The AMPX and AMPY keywords indicate the dividing rows and columns of the quadrants. For example, For a 4096x4096 pixels in area, AMPX=2049 and AMPY=2049 indicate that the first quadrant runs from rows and columns 1-2048, while the fourth quadrant runs from 2049-4096 rows and columns.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
9 |
ttype1 |
Col |
hdu1 |
10 |
tform1 |
1024I |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A4 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
I1 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
I1.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
A4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
A4 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
I2.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform7 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp7 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform8 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp8 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype9 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform9 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp9 |
I2.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform10 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp10 |
I2.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype11 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform11 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp11 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform12 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp12 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype13 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform13 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp13 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype14 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform14 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp14 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype15 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform15 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp15 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype16 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform16 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp16 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype17 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform17 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp17 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype18 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform18 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp18 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype19 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform19 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp19 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform20 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp20 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype21 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform21 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp21 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype22 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform22 |
F5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp22 |
F5.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype23 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform23 |
I6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp23 |
I6.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype24 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform24 |
I6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp24 |
I6.1 |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
11 |
tunit1 |
Counts |
hdu1 |
1.5.12. Cosmic Ray Rejection Parameter (CRR)#
- Description:
This table contains the parameters used to identify pixels affected by cosmic-rays (CR) when observed data images are split into multiple sub-exposures for the purpose. The affected pixels are marked for rejection in the data quality (DQ) extension of individual frames. The identification process begins by median-combining or minimum thresholding a list of CR-split images (FILTSCHEME) to estimate the background sky level (SKYSUB) and noise (SCALENSE) values. Those pixels above a certain threshold value given by CRTHRESH and CRSIGMAS are identified as being cosmic-ray hit. If CRMASK is set to ‘Y’, then the CR-hit pixels take on values given by BADINDPDQ in the DQ extension of the affected image. If CRRADIUS is specified, then neighboring pixels are also identified as being affected.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
9 |
ttype1 |
Col |
hdu1 |
10 |
tform1 |
1024I |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
I1.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
I2.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
I2.1 |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
11 |
tunit1 |
Counts |
hdu1 |
1.5.13. Image Distortion Coefficients (IDC)#
- Description:
This reference table contains information on geometric distortion models for generic imaging detectors. More specifically, the table contains coefficients and values for a polynomial that maps the coordinates from a raw image (distorted) to an undistorted space and vice versa.
- Format:
The format for the image distortion coefficient table is shown in Table B-22. The header keyword NORDER indicates the order of the polynomial and the number of coefficients used in the transformation.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
0 |
norder |
ehdu |
0 |
parity |
ehdu |
9 |
ttype1 |
Col |
hdu1 |
10 |
tform1 |
1024I |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
I1.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
I2.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
A10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
A10 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
I5.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit4 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc4 |
Raw image size in X-direction |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
I5.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit5 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc5 |
Raw image size in Y-direction |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit6 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc6 |
X position of reference point |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform7 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp7 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit7 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc7 |
Y position of reference point |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform8 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp8 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit8 |
arcsec |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc8 |
Scale of square corrected pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype9 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform9 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp9 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit9 |
arcsec |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc9 |
V2 position of reference point [Axis name TBC] |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform10 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp10 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit10 |
arcsec |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc10 |
V3 position of reference point [Axis name TBC] |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype11 |
CX10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform11 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp11 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc11 |
Distortion coefficients for X position |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype12 |
CX11 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform12 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp12 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc12 |
Distortion coefficients for X position |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype13 |
CY10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform13 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp13 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc13 |
Distortion coefficients for Y position |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype14 |
CY11 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform14 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp14 |
F10.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc14 |
Distortion coefficients for Y position |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
11 |
tunit1 |
Counts |
hdu1 |
1.5.14. Photometric Calibration (PHT)#
- Description:
This reference file contains photometry keywords and calibrated values: PHOTMODE, PHOTFLAM, PHOTFNU, PHOTZPT, PHOTPLAM, PHOTBW for an instrument camera and filter combination used in an observation. If the science image has units in [DN sec-1], multiplying the pixel value by PHOFLAM or PHOTFNU yields absolute source fluxes in [ergs sec^-1 cm^-2 Ang^-1] or [Jy], respectively.
- Format:
The photometry parameters file consists the columns shown in Table B-26. The PHOTMODE string is a comma-separated string of: instrument name, camera name/number, and filter or grating name. The HISTORY keyword in the HDU header or a trailer file contains detailed information on the calibration files used to derive the photometric parameters.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
ehdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
9 |
ttype1 |
Col |
hdu1 |
10 |
tform1 |
1024I |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A19 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc1 |
Instrument observing mode |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
E10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
E10.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit2 |
ergs/cm^2/Ang/DN |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc2 |
Inverse sensitivity |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
E10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
E10.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit3 |
Jy sec DN^-1 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc3 |
Inverse sensitivity |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
E10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
E10.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit4 |
Angstrom |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc4 |
Inverse sensitivity |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
E10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
E10.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit5 |
Angstrom |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc5 |
Bandwidth |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
E10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
E10.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit6 |
mag |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc6 |
Photometric zeropoint |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform7 |
A10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp7 |
A10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc7 |
Date stamp |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform8 |
A12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp8 |
A12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc8 |
Time stamp |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
11 |
tunit1 |
Counts |
hdu1 |
1.5.15. Aperture Throughput Table (APT)#
- Description:
This is a table containing the wavelength-dependent transmission of each aperture with respect to a nominated reference aperture.
- Format:
The columns consist of: Aperture ID, number of elements in the throughput array, wavelength array, array of system throughput at corresponding wavelength, pedigree (datestamp) of reference data, and description. The suffix ‘APT’ is used to denote the file type.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
0 |
extname |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tform1 |
A80 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A19 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc1 |
Aperture name |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
I6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
I6.1 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc2 |
Number of data points in throughput array |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
E12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
E12.7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit3 |
Angstrom |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc3 |
Reference wavelength array |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
F6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
F6.4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit4 |
percent |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc4 |
Total system throughput at each wavelength |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit5 |
date |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc5 |
Date stamp |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc6 |
Description of reference data |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
80 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tbcol1 |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.6. Science and Operations Data Products#
1.6.1. Raw Data (RAW)#
- Description:
This is the first FITS data product produced by the DPS after receiving data from an instrument, where the data are in their unprocessed image state. To arrive at this stage, the DPS:
Packaged the raw instrument data stream into FITS binary data format,
Parsed the telemetry stream to obtain meta data and to assign FITS header information,
Created a FITS file with the “raw” suffix, without regard to how the data would subsequently be used,
At this stage, the file suffix does not yet reflect the intended purpose of the data. The purpose is only apparent after additional data processing when another suffix (e.g. “bia”, “drk”, “dfl”, etc.) would replace the “raw” suffix. The raw FITS file is stored permanently into the data archive.
- Format:
The default file format for an UVIS CCD is shown in Figure 5-1 and discussed in Section 5.2.3, whereas for an NIR array, the format is shown in Figure 5-2 of Section 5.2.4.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
0 |
bunit |
DN |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.6.2. Wavelength Calibration Exposure (WAV)#
- Description:
This is an image containing 2-D spectral lines as observed from a spectral calibration light source, where the spectrum is dispersed along one dimension while spatial information is along the other dimension. This file is used to determine the wavelength solution of a corresponding science data spectral image. The spatial and dispersion directions might not necessarily be perfectly orthogonal, nor aligned with the detector pixel directions.
- Format:
The 2-D lamp spectral image is stored as a multi-extension file. The suffix ‘WAV’ is used to denote the file type.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
0 |
filter |
phdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
1024 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.6.3. Template Calibration Lamp Spectra Table (LMP)#
- Description:
The template calibration table contains spectra of the calibration lamp obtained at different operating voltage levels. These spectra are used to create template spectra or images, from which wavelength corrections can be determined, and wavelength solution determined.
- Format:
The lamp spectral calibration table is stored as a multi-extension file. The suffix ‘LMP’ is used to denote the file type.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
obstype |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
0 |
extname |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tform1 |
A80 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc1 |
Name of calibration lamp that is on |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
F6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
F6.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit2 |
voltage |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc2 |
Spectral calibration lamp voltage setting |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
I10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
I10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc3 |
Number of data points in spectrum |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
Flux |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
F8.4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit4 |
counts |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc4 |
Lamp flux |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc5 |
Date stamp |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc6 |
Description of reference data |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
80 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tbcol1 |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.6.4. Jitter File (JIF)#
- Description:
This data product contains information on how the telescope behaved during an observation. Observation log files, sometimes called “jitter” files, record telemetries on pointing, jitter, guiding, open-loop tracking, laser operations, etc., during an observation. Observation log files are produced by the DPS; the information to produce the log files come by way of querying different data sources: the acquisition and guiding wavefront sensors, the mount control system, the telescope control system, on-instrument wavefront sensor, science instruments, etc.. Observation log files share the same rootname (Figure 6-2) as the main observation data except with the suffixes “_jit” or “_jif” (see Table 6-4).
The exact contents of this file is TBD, but generally speaking, this file contains a 2-D histogram of time-averaged telescope pointing excursion during an observation, stored in an image format. The amount of time averaging depends on the source of the data and the observing mode (natural seeing vs. adaptive optics) involved. The FITS header contains keywords providing information regarding the file structure, observation details, background light, telescope control system, jitter summary, problem flags, and warnings. The header values for extension 1+ will inherit keywords from the primary HDU.
- Format:
Content TBD
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
0 |
extname |
phdu |
0 |
xtension |
ehdu |
1.6.5. Telescope Jitter File (JIT)#
1.6.6. Aperture Description Table (APD)#
- Description:
The aperture description table describes the geometries of the apertures (size, orientation) and their offsets (in arcsec) from a reference position.
- Format:
Each row of the table contains the aperture name, size (length and width) of the aperture, offset from the center of aperture to the center of a reference (which is named in the header), and the orientation of the aperture’s y-axis relative to a coordinate system that is fixed to the, ground, the telescope, or the instrument rotator, depending on the mounting location [TBD].
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
0 |
extname |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tform1 |
A80 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc1 |
Name of aperture |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
F8.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit2 |
arcsec |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc2 |
Width along axis 1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
F8.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit3 |
arcsec |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc3 |
Width along axis 2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
F10.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit4 |
degrees |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc4 |
Orientation of long or y-axis of aperture |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
F12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
F12.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc5 |
Offset from reference position in axis 1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
F12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
F12.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc6 |
Offset from reference position in axis 2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform7 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp7 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc7 |
Date stamp |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform8 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp8 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc8 |
Description of reference data |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
80 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tbcol1 |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.6.7. 2D_Spectrum_Distortion_Correction_Table (SDC)#
- Description:
This table consists of a set of WCS information used to rectify and linearize observed spectra in a 2-D image. Each set of WCS corresponds to a spectral order for a long slit spectrum, spectrum aperture ID for an integral field or multi-slit/fiber spectral image.
- Format:
The columns of the table are: optical element, central wavelength, spectral order, the pixel position of the center of the spectrum, and the WCS information of the output rectified spectra.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
0 |
extname |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tform1 |
A80 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc1 |
Spectroscopic element in the grating wheel |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
F8.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit2 |
Angstrom |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc2 |
Central wavelength |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc3 |
Spectral order |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc4 |
Spectral aperture ID |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
F10.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit5 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc5 |
Nominal pixel (along dispersion direction) corresponding to center of spectrum |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit6 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc6 |
Number of axis 1 pixels in rectified image |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform7 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp7 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc7 |
Number of axis 1 pixels in rectified image |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform8 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp8 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit8 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc8 |
Axis 1 coordinate a reference pixel in rectified image |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype9 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform9 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp9 |
I5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit9 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc9 |
Axis 2 coordinate a reference pixel in rectified image |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform10 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp10 |
F10.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit10 |
Angstrom |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc10 |
Axis 1 value at reference pixel in rectified image |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype11 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform11 |
F12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp11 |
F12.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit11 |
arcsec |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc11 |
Axis 2 value at reference pixel in rectified image |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform12 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp12 |
F8.4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit12 |
Angstrom/pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc12 |
Axis 1 pixel spacing in rectified image |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype13 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform13 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp13 |
F8.5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit13 |
arcsec/pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc13 |
Axis 2 pixel spacing in rectified image |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype14 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform14 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp14 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc14 |
Date stamp |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype15 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform15 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp15 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc15 |
Description of reference data |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
80 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tbcol1 |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.6.8. Dispersion Coefficients Table (DSP)#
- Description:
This table consists of dispersion coefficients of a nominal, calibrated, dispersion solution, to apply to extracted 1-D spectra.
- Format:
The columns of the table are: optical element (e.g. grating), central wavelength, spectral order, aperture ID, reference aperture name, and coefficients to a dispersion function.
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
0 |
extname |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tform1 |
A80 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc1 |
Spectroscopic element in the grating wheel |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
F8.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit2 |
Angstrom |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc2 |
Central wavelength |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc3 |
Spectral order |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc4 |
Spectral aperture ID |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
A12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
A12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc5 |
Name of reference aperture |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
F10.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit6 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc6 |
Nominal pixel (along dispersion direction) corresponding to center of spectrum |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform7 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp7 |
I2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc7 |
Number of coefficients in dispersion solution |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform8 |
E10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp8 |
E10.7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc8 |
Dispersion solution coefficients |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype9 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform9 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp9 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc9 |
Date stamp |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform10 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp10 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc10 |
Description of reference data |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
80 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tbcol1 |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.6.9. 1D Spectrum Trace Table (1DT)#
- Description:
This table defines the spectral trace prior to extracting 1-D spectrum. If a spectrum is dispersed mostly along the x-axis, then the table consists of y-displacements of the spectrum as a function of x that defines the spectral trace.
- Format:
The dispersion column consists: Optical element, central wavelength, aperture ID for multi-fiber/slit spectra, the reference position of the aperture on a 2-D spectral image, spectral order, and an array of y-displacements of the spectrum as a function of nominal dispersion position (often x-position).
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
0 |
extname |
1DT |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tform1 |
A80 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc1 |
Spectroscopic element in the grating wheel |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
F8.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit2 |
Angstrom |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc2 |
Central wavelength |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc3 |
Spectral aperture ID |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc4 |
Spectral order |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
F10.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit5 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc5 |
Nominal pixel (along dispersion direction) corresponding to wavelength center of spectrum |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
F10.4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit6 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc6 |
Nominal pixel corresponding to spatial center of spectrum |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform7 |
F10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp7 |
F10.4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc7 |
Spectral displacement along axis 2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform8 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp8 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc8 |
Date stamp |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype9 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform9 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp9 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc9 |
Description of reference data |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
80 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tbcol1 |
1 |
hdu1 |
1.6.10. 1D Spectral Extraction Parameter Table (1DX)#
- Description:
This table describes the science and background extraction apertures and the functions used in extractions.
- Format:
The extraction apertures are defined by the height of the box (EXTRSIZE, BK1SIZE, BK2SIZE), the extraction algorithm (XTRACALG, polynomial function), and functional coefficients (SLTCOEFF, BKTCOEFF).
- File:
# |
Keyword |
Value |
0 |
filetype |
phdu |
1 |
xtension |
hdu1 |
0 |
extname |
1DX |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tform1 |
A80 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tdisp1 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc1 |
Spectroscopic element in the grating wheel |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform2 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp2 |
F8.2 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit2 |
Angstrom |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc2 |
Central wavelength |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform3 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp3 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc3 |
Spectral aperture ID |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform4 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp4 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit4 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc4 |
Spectral order |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype5 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform5 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp5 |
F8.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit5 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc5 |
Height of spectrum extraction box |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform6 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp6 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc6 |
Number of coefficients in solution to slit tilt correction |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform7 |
E8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp7 |
E8.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit7 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc7 |
Spectrum extraction coefficients |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform8 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp8 |
F8.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit8 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc8 |
Height of background extraction box 1 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype9 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform9 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp9 |
F8.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit9 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc9 |
Height of background extraction box 2 |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype10 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform10 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp10 |
F8.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit10 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc10 |
Offset of background extraction box 1 from spectrum |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype11 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform11 |
F8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp11 |
F8.3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit11 |
pixel |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc11 |
Offset of background extraction box 2 from spectrum |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform12 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp12 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit12 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc12 |
Number of coefficients in solution to slit tilt correction |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype13 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform13 |
E8 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp13 |
E8.6 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit13 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc13 |
Background extraction coefficients |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype14 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform14 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp14 |
I3 |
ehdu |
0 |
tunit14 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc14 |
Order of polynomial fit to background |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype15 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform15 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp15 |
A20 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc15 |
Extraction algorithm to use |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype16 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform16 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp16 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc16 |
Date stamp |
ehdu |
0 |
ttype17 |
ehdu |
0 |
tform17 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdisp17 |
A67 |
ehdu |
0 |
tdesc17 |
Description of reference data |
ehdu |
1 |
simple |
true |
phdu |
2 |
bitpix |
16 |
hdu1 |
3 |
naxis |
2 |
hdu1 |
4 |
naxis1 |
80 |
hdu1 |
5 |
naxis2 |
100 |
hdu1 |
-1 |
end |
hdu1 |
4 |
extend |
true |
phdu |
6 |
pcount |
0 |
hdu1 |
7 |
gcount |
1 |
hdu1 |
8 |
tfields |
1 |
hdu1 |
0 |
tbcol1 |
1 |
hdu1 |