Observing Tools (OT) consist of components (observing panels, quick look data
reduction, etc.) which astronomers and observatory staff use during runtime
observing. For astronomers, operation also includes Phase I and Phase II
proposal preparations that usually take place long before arriving at the
telescope. The discussion below presents the System Level Requirements governing
the OT, a description of the components that make up the OT, and how they are
used to build the three most common observing applications of an observatory:
the observing planning tools, the exposure time calculator, and an observing
Observing tools provide the following capabilities shown in the following Table,
as derived from the System Level Requirements:
Efficient Operations
Identify and define sequences for instruments,
telescope, and science, operations to optimize
on-sky observing efficiency, and to comply with GMT
Efficiency Budget ( GMT-SE-REF-00593).
Telescope Operators,
Instrument Specialists,
and AO Specialists
Efficiently support the roles (operations, setup) of
Telescope Operators, Instrument Specialists, and AO
Quick Look
Provide software to facilitate near real-time
assessment of data quality for each instrument.
Central Control
Provide central control capabilities for every
control subsystem.
Engineering Mode
Provide an engineering mode that allows low-level
control of components and subsystems.
Observing Preparation
Provide software tools to assist astronomers in the
proposal preparation process.
Observatory Workflow
Provide the capability to schedule and manage
observatory workflows and tasks
Program Execution
Provide the observatory staff software tools for
advanced planning of observing programs.
Observing Program
Provide software tools to assist astronomers in
defining observing programs.
Provide the capability to perform or support
calibrations of all subsystems, instruments, AO,
WFS, daytime, nighttime, routine, and non-routine
calibrations within the time window specified in
their respective requirements, and comply with GMT
Efficiency Budget (GMT-SE-REF-00593).
The OT is composed of several components that can be invoked in different
context during the observation life cycle. The OT components provide the
following capabilities:
Model Synthesis – Model synthesis consists of tools needed to generate
models that feed into exposure time calculations for designing science
observations, in all observing modes (GLAO, LTAO, and natural seeing), and
with available instrument capabilities (direct imaging, long slit
spectroscopy, IFU, multi-fiber / slit mask). Examples of existing tools
include GALFIT [Peng10], Synphot (STScI), Pysynphot, GALAXEV [BrCh03],
among many other packages and stellar libraries.
Astronomy Source Catalog Database – The GMT astronomical sources catalog
contains information (e.g., names, positions, and proper motions, radial
velocities, redshifts, photometry) of stars, galaxies, asteroids, star
clusters, gamma ray bursts, etc. The catalogs are merged from multiple
sources. The star catalog database comes from Naval Observatory Merged
Astrometric Dataset (NOMAD) that is currently composed of the Hipparcos,
UCA2 (USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog), Tycho-2, and USNO-B catalogs. In all
there are over 1 billion stars/galaxies. The system can incorporate new data
sets as they become available (e.g., eventually the GAIA catalog should have
gone through several releases) Information of new sources can be added to
the astronomical catalog as they are discovered or assigned names by all-sky
or targeted surveys. Information in the existing catalogs is updated based
on a predefined schedule to remain current, especially for variable sources
and sources with proper motion. Astronomers may wish to define specialized
target lists where the objects do not exist in the object catalog maintained
by the observatory. Such needs may arise when new objects are discovered
(e.g., SNe, high redshift galaxies, GRB candidates), or in galaxy surveys
where the galaxy names are assigned by the surveys, hence are not recognized
by the IAU, or do not exist in any formal catalogs. Those objects may be
stored for posterity, or temporarily within an user’s work area, or
incorporated into the main system.
Sky Calculator – The sky calculator computes the location of celestial
objects at any given moment in time. The purpose of the sky calculator is to
know how to register different coordinate systems (celestial, instrumental)
into a common reference frame, allowing it to also compute the location and
orientation of instrument footprints, slits, and fiber footprints, etc.,
that may then be used to produce graphical overlays during proposal and
target-of-opportunity preparations. The same tool is used to predict where
targets would be located in the instrument field of view during runtime
operation. For non-sidereal targets, the sky calculator takes into account
proper motion with time. Non-trivial, spherical geometry, sky and instrument
coordinate transform calculations will be performed by SLALIB [Wall12b] and
tcspk [Wall12a], using information from the pointing models. Many open
source and Python-based tools are available for computing ephemerides, sky
coordinate transformations, the World Coordinate System (WCS), including
PyEphem, EphemPy, pywcs, etc.
Overhead Time Calculator – The overhead time calculator estimates the
overhead of certain observing component or sequences, such as telescope
move, target acquisition, AO guide star selection and lock, detector
readouts, etc. This calculator will be a custom tool built for GMT
Airmass Calculator – Given the RA and DEC of a list of objects, their
proper motion, the time of the day and year, the location and altitude at
the location of an observer, the airmass calculator computes the airmass of
the object at a specified moment in time. Many existing airmass calculators
are available on-line, including Skycalc (John Thorstensen), as well as
subroutines in SLALIB.
Asterism Facility – Given an image the asterism finder automatically
determines asterisms from stars and galaxies, and then correlates them with
positions of objects in the database to determine the celestial coordinate
at the center of the image, as well as the coordinates of all the sources
detected in the image. An example of an open-source astrometry tool is
Guide Star Finder – Given the position and color of a science target or
telescope pointing, the guide star finder searches through GMTO star
catalogs for bright stars that are suitable to be used as telescope and AO
guide stars. A desirable feature is to allow users to update discoveries of
binary stars in the searchable database. This algorithm also finds a
suitable asterism for active optics guiding and wavefront corrections, as
well as LTAO guide stars to achieve an appropriate Strehl requirement. The
guide star finder takes into account restrictions due to vignetting by
telescope optics, and for non-sidereal targets when the guide stars move
into and out of the patrol range of the AGWS and NGS WFS.
Object Observability – Object observability window calculator estimates
when and for how long an object can be observed, restricted by criteria from
the user, such as airmass, proximity to the moon, sky brightness (due to
sunrise, sunset, and moon conditions), as well as proximity to AO guide
stars for non-sidereal targets due to target motion, and other instrument
restrictions, e.g., guide star vignetting. An example of a publicly
available ephemeris tool for calculating sun, moon, and planet, positions is
a Python tool called PyEphem.
Positional Astronomy Facility – The positional astronomy facility is
designed around SLALIB35, which performs spherical trigonometry, coordinate
and time transformations that account for Earth axis precession, nutation,
Mosaic Creation – Given a set of images, the mosaic creation tool places
those images into a common coordinate system using either WCS, asterisms in
overlap regions, coordinate list of stars in images, etc. There are many
generic software libraries, tools, and analysis environments, available for
creating image mosaics, including those in IRAF, Pyraf, alipy, and
Montage-Wrapper, which is a wrapper to the open source mosaic engine called
Montage (http://montage.ipac.caltech.edu/).
Model Database – To aid in exposure time calculations, the SWCS maintains
a database of image and spectroscopy models that may be commonly used by
observers. Image models include galaxies of different types, gravitational
lenses, proto-stellar or proto-planetary discs, stars of different Strehl,
etc. Spectroscopy models include galaxy, quasars, supernovae, stars, quasar
absorption lines, etc. The model database can grow and be searched as users
input their own models into the system.
AO PSF Simulator – The AO PSF generator creates PSFs based on inputs
specifying atmospheric seeing conditions, the brightness of an AO guide
star, and the AO mode in use (natural seeing, LTAO, GLAO), at the location
of the science target(s).
Spectroscopy Mask Facility – The spectroscopy mask algorithm computes
geometric transforms needed to map 2-D spectra onto detector focal planes
from on-sky coordinates, accounting for parallactic angle. This is used help
users visualize the placement of the spectrum / spectra on the detectors
during observational planning phases.
Observing Data Management – The observing data management tool is a
database storing telescope proposals, observing programs, observing
configurations, instrument definitions, observing blocks, observing
sequences, etc., which are necessary to define observations and to
facilitate their execution.
The design of the OT is based on a modular architecture that allows one to
compose elementary components to implement the above capabilities. The observing
tools are designed to be deployable in a cloud computing infrastructure. The
core of the functionality is provided by components that run in a server. When
an existing off-the-shelf package provides the required functionality, a thin
wrapper allows its integration with the rest of the observatory software. The
wrapper runs a server with a RESTful[FiTa02]
and/or service oriented interface. In most cases a set of smart editors and view
widgets deployed in a web browser would allow one to access the OT capabilities.
These smart widgets can be instantiated in different contexts depending on the
use case or workflow.
The OT design decouples the visualization rendering from the server component,
which provides several benefits. It enables the use of server components for
batch processing (e.g., as part of the scheduling process). It enables the
deployment of server components in a cloud infrastructure that can be optimized
to provide excellent performance. Lastly, it makes the Observing Tools globally
available as part of the operational support infrastructure with an API that
allows scripting. The last is what enables the workflows to be organized and
distributed to teams observing together but potentially on different continents.
While the OT interfaces are either too numerous to present, are in conceptual
stages, or will evolve over time as their operational use is better refined,
this section illustrates examples and principles of those tools that will likely
be heavily used. The following subsections serve to demonstrate how the OT basic
components support three different contexts: an observation design tool, an
exposure time calculator, and a real-time observing console.
Observation Design Tool (ODT)
The initial telescope proposal preparation as well as observation planning and
design by astronomers will be based on a web-based interactive tool. The
design tool serves several purposes:
To plan precise placements of science apertures, e.g., for creating
mosaic observations, placing slit masks or fiber locations to avoid
spectral overlaps
To locate stars for telescope guiding or for AO to achieve Strehl
requirements for science, factoring in target airmass, distance and
brightness of AO stars relative to science target
For non-sidereal targets, to optimize observing times and rotator
orientation that maximize target and guide star tracking window
A concept of the functionalities is shown in Figure 4.7.
The planning tool is often used during Phase I and Phase II proposal
preparation. However, it may also be required during observing, in particular
for targets of opportunity where prior information may not already exist, so
that AO guide stars have to be selected on-the-fly. For non-sidereal targets,
the ODT provides a real-time update of future observing windows based on guide
star availability at any particular moment in time during the night. Several
components of the ODT will thus be integrated directly into an observing console
(see below) to facilitate that capability. The ODT will also fully integrate
with a module that computes AO PSFs for the purpose of exposure time
calculation, as discussed below. Note that with the GMT, the operational
necessity of having multiple guide stars (4 for AGWS, and NGS for AO, etc.) may
impose certain orientation constraints. Therefore the ODT is generally expected
to be more widely used during observation than it has been in prior telescope
designs, where it was primarily used during Phase I and Phase II of proposal
preparations. For targets of opportunity observations, the ODT provides a
seamless way to integrate capabilities to select guide stars and to estimate PSF
Strehl on-the-fly given the concurrent runtime seeing and observing geometry.
The workflow of the ODT starts with a user selecting targets from astronomical
source catalogs, which brings up a visualization display (e.g., Figure
4.7) showing the surrounding region. In this display, a user
selects the observing mode (natural seeing, LTAO, GLAO), which uploads
appropriate presets and parameter files for the user to specify. The user
chooses a science instrument and its orientation to overlay the science target
apertures. Based on known geometry between all the telescope instruments and
sensors, the ODT automatically finds and selects the appropriate stars for
guiding by querying the astronomical source catalog server, followed by a
request to the sky calculator server to obtain aperture footprint coordinates
for all the relevant instruments involved in acquisition, guiding, phasing, and
science. One may choose to visualize the guide star selection, but doing so is
generally optional and the process is transparent to the user if guide stars are
available, unless it is necessary to fine-tune the selection (e.g., for
non-sidereal targets).
With guide stars known a priori, this information would feed into the TCS to
position the AGWS guide probes during telescope slewing – a process which is
also transparent both to the user and the telescope operator. If no guide stars
fall within the AGWS and/or OIWS FOV during observation planning, the software
would alert the user to choose a different science position angle that is more
feasible. In that situation the visualization display would show suitable guide
stars so that users may easily judge the required rotator angle. Throughout this
process, the sky calculator is responsible for knowing the relative positions of
the various instrument footprints in the focal plane, and LGWS constellations,
as shown in Figure 4.7
In most cases, guide star selections are intended to be automatic and
transparent to users, except possibly for the AO NGS, which often need
fine-tuning. For AO and non-sidereal observations, it is critical to select
guide stars in Phase I of the proposal preparation stage to ensure technical
feasibility even before arriving at Phase II. Observing non-sidereal targets may
involve choosing multiple guide stars because the AGWS probes have to move
relative to the science target during exposures. Sometimes it may be necessary
to define different guide stars even within a single exposure. Based on known
sky-projected motion of a non-sidereal target, the sky calculator would help by
displaying its on-sky trajectory, finding guide stars that allow for the longest
observing windows along that trajectory, and time-stamping locations (using LST)
and airmass, to ensure that the proposed observing duration is attainable before
arriving at the telescope.
Fig. 4.7 Observation Planning and Sky Visualization / Calculator Tools (schematic).
Observation planning and sky visualization / calculator tools helps one to
find appropriate AGWS, GLAO, and OIWS guide stars, and helps to visualize
the locations of science targets and instrument footprints relative to the
guide stars. The LGS constellation has a diameter of 1 arcmin.#
For AO observations, the ODT will estimate the performance of the AO system at
the location of the science targets by using an AO PSF simulator module. Based
on the geometry between the science target(s), the NGS, the LGS beacons, the
demand (or current) seeing condition, airmass, etc., the simulator would provide
a Strehl map around the science field. In addition, the PSF simulator would also
produce PSF images at the location of the science targets for the purpose of the
Exposure Time Calculator.
Exposure Time Calculator (ETC)
The ETC is one of the key tools for ensuring that the planned observations
will produce scientifically useful data. Given information about the spectrum
of a target, its geometry (point source, extended), flux (total or surface
brightness), and some information about the detector (gain, pixel binning,
background, etc.), traditional ETCs provide signal-to-noise (S/N) calculations
for integrated flux or on per-pixel basis, and may output a spectrum for
spectroscopy. While doing so may suffice for natural seeing observations (but
often actually do not), the use of LTAO and NGSAO as primary modes of
observing, and the high operation costs, demand substantially better tools to
ensure realistic modeling predictions on which to base science justifications.
This is especially crucial for studies of sharp features and extended sources
whose sizes are near the seeing limit. In such cases, the value of S/N can
vary dramatically depending on the profile shape and size of the object, the
location where S/N is calculated, and the Strehl. The AO Strehl itself being
dependent on a number of observational factors (distance and brightness from
the NGS, seeing, etc.), and that Strehl may in the end not be the most useful
number to use for extended sources, means that users will require a lot more
guidance to help decide on technical feasibility. The GMT ETC, while providing
the standard S/N summary, will also provide model data back to users for their
own analysis. The model data will account for all known instrumental
characteristics (readnoise, thermal background etc.), and other factors that
affect AO observations based on observing configurations from the ODT. The
purpose of the ETC is to make the creation of model simulations that are
scientifically discriminating a transparent process for astronomers and
Each instrument team is responsible for providing its own version of the ETC
especially with regard to the noise property and sensitivity of the
instruments. As the needs become warranted, the ETCs components provided by
the instrument teams will be the starting basis to extend a modular model
generation approach, both for imaging and spectroscopy (fiber, slits, IFS)
observations. The components for the ETC are shown in Figure 4.8, consisting of:
A visualization display that allows for interactive creation and crosscut
views of models
An image database or a generator based on GALFIT [Peng10] or equivalent
tools as they become available
A spectrum generator or database
A noise simulator that takes into account all known sources
An AO PSF generator that accounts for the natural seeing, locations and
brightnesses of the natural and laser guide stars relative to the science
target of interest
Information regarding instruments: filter transmission curves, pixel
size, binning factor, readout noise, gain, etc.
Users may also provide their own images and spectra to be used for
All the source codes for these components already exist and are freely
available for reuse. In contrast to some of the previous ETCs, the GMT ETC
would integrate seamlessly into the observation planning workflow to
facilitate computation of PSF. Thus, exposure time calculation and observation
planning need not be separate and independent steps, although each tool may be
used independently, and outside of the other tool.
Model creation for imaging and spectroscopy ETC would both involve image
generation (Figure 4.9), or the use of a
pre-existing image, as the first step. The image is convolved with a PSF,
created using an AO PSF simulator. If used with the observing planner, the
observing configurations will propagate to the AO PSF simulator, to produce
PSFs at target location(s) in the science FOV. Then, noise will be added to
account for target brightness, exposure time, instrument readnoise, and
thermal background.
Fig. 4.8 Exposure Time Calculation of long slit, fiber, and integral field,
spectroscopy to simulate resolved stellar populations study in a galaxy.
Images are generated using a model image synthesizer, convolved with the
PSF. The images are normalized at the desired wavelength slices given
spectra produced by a spectrum synthesizer. Top row: Image simulation of a
galaxy bulge in different wavelength slices (e.g., broadband U, V, I).
Middle row: Image simulation of a galaxy disk in different wavelength
slices. Bottom row: Combined Bulge and disk models. Detailed spectra can
then be extracted in different apertures, slits, or maintained whole as a
data cube, to be delivered back to astronomers for estimating
signal-to-noise, or for feature extraction.#
Fig. 4.9 Exposure Time Calculator basic model generation. The basic ETC components
consist of a sophisticated PSF generator that accounts for observing mode
and Strehl due to brightness and relative locations of guide stars;
parallactic angle; image, spectrum, and noise, generators, that accounts for
sky/thermal and instrument noise, and other instrument characteristics. In
the image shown, a synthetic model is convolved with the AO PSF and added
noise, to produce the final image.#
Creating a spectroscopic model of an observation essentially uses the same
image generation technique, but one also must account for spectral and spatial
distortions, and mappings from the sky to the detector. The images are then
normalized to object spectra at the appropriate wavelength slices shown in
Figure 4.8. Like before, the model
generator convolves all image slices with the PSF from the AO PSF generator
then adds noise to the images. This outcome is a 3-D data cube (with two
spatial [x, y] and a wavelength axes) that the user may retrieve and analyze.
This technique allows one to create arbitrarily complex and realistic models
where even the spectrum may vary spatially, such as for studying spatially
resolved stellar population studies at high redshifts. As shown in
Figure 4.8, the way to create such a
model is to use different spectra for the different physical components: bulge
(top row) and disk (bottom row), the net sum of which is shown in the bottom
row. To obtain spectra for any aperture (fiber, long slit, masks), one would
simply extract the data along the wavelength direction, as shown in
Figure 4.8, bottom row. This enables
users to have a more precise control, and more accurate determination of S/N,
which properly account for all the known observing variables. User
visualization and interfaces analogous to Figure 4.8 will permit users to operate the model creation
at a high level, while hiding all the technical details regarding model
generation so that they may focus on model design at a high and intuitive
level for their science application.
Real-Time Observing Console (ROC)
Optimizing observing efficiency during runtime requires knowing the locations
of the science targets in the sky (e.g., airmass to optimize image quality and
observing duration), their proximity to the current pointing position (to
minimize slew time, cable wraps), and environmental information such as cloud
cover, wind speed and direction (that may preclude observation of certain
targets in some directions). If the information needed to make informed
decisions is distributed across different display panels, log sheets, etc.,
the task of manually optimizing an observing strategy can be more tedious than
necessary, especially if target priorities change due to weather or other
constraints. The purpose of the ROC is to integrate the following
functionalities into a single display and user interface: target
visualization, planning, selection, and environmental information (wind,
clouds, etc.), for use during run-time observing. At a glance, observers and
telescope operators should be able to have situational awareness of the most
important and relevant information for observational planning. An example of
the ROC is shown in the following Figure:
Fig. 4.10 On-the-fly observational planning and situation awareness tool (mockup).
On-the-fly observational planning, target selection, and situation
awareness (airmass, environmental information), are unified into a single
visualization. Zenith is located at the center, and the 360 degrees
horizon surrounds the outermost part of the view ports. The concentric
circles represent airmass (or potentially elevation for AO operations),
with solid orange circle being the elevation limit of the telescope, and
dashed (inner) red circle being the zenith avoidance distance (exaggerated
in figure). Dashed lines indicate the trajectories of the targets across
the sky until astronomical twilight, and small circles along the
trajectory indicate positions at hourly LST. Enclosure opening is
represented in purple, shown with wind-shutter raised. The arrow near the
edge of the portal represents wind speed and direction.#
In the Figure above, the entire sky and the horizon are seen through a
fish-eye display, with the zenith being located at the center of the panel,
and the horizon located at the outer circumference. Concentric circles
delineate the different airmasses, with high airmasses being larger circles.
The elevation limit and zenith avoidance limits are shown as red circles in
the visualization. The user will have control over which targets to show on
the display via a menu that is user customizable; multiple menus can be used
to group science targets and guide stars to reduce target crowding and
confusion. Objects below the horizon will appear in the outskirts of the
display, just outside the elevation limit circle. During the night, targets
will move in arcs across the display, crossing through concentric circles of
constant airmass. The arc trajectories of all the targets from current time to
the end of the night are plotted in the display so as to inform their optimal
visibility windows. Non-sidereal targets will have trajectories that appear
and disappear depending on the visibility window due to guide star
availability for a particular instrument orientation. Hourly locations of the
targets from current time until astronomical twilight are shown as small
circles along the trajectories. Placing a mouse cursor over the target
trajectory would produce information regarding when the target would appear at
that location, airmass, etc. Selecting a target in the display would allow an
astronomer to send the target information to the TCS to slew the telescope,
obtain more detailed information regarding the target, or to deselect the
target. The ROC can also interact with the Scheduling System
to instantaneously visualize the sky location of the targets during
queue planning, as the weights are changed.
Environmental information is also provided in the same visualization display
that may be turned on/off. If cloud information is available, via either the
weather service or an all-sky fish-eye camera located near the site, then it
may be rendered as a superposition in the fish-eye display (Figure 4.10). This would provide observers more educated ways to “shoot
between the clouds” with a higher chance of success. Wind speed and direction
are represented as arrows along the periphery of the display. The length and
color of the arrows indicate wind speed, whereas the location along the
periphery indicates incoming direction.