2. Requirements Overview#

The GMT Observatory is an assembly of hardware and software subsystems that operate in concert, under the control and coordination of the Software and Control System (SWCS). Generally, the scope of the SWCS, as outlined in the Operations Concept Document (OCD) [McCa13], is to:

  • Provide control of all observatory systems and subsystems.

  • Provide logic and intelligence to coordinate activities related to the operation of the observatory systems and subsystems.

  • Monitor the observatory to ensure proper operations, health and safety of the systems.

  • Enable and facilitate precise calibrations to ensure high data quality.

  • Maximize efficiency in observatory operations and runtime observing.

  • Provide software for observational planning and management, preparation, and observing.

  • Provide a common and consistent framework to develop software and hardware controls.

The SWCS Requirements [FiPe13] provide a framework for developing the SWCS to meet the above goals, to flow down the specifications in the System Level Requirements Document [Mait13] (SLRD) at Level 2, and to follow the operating principles for the observatory outlined in the OCD [McCa13]. They also ensure proper verification of the SWCS during latter phases of the project. Overall, the requirements for the SWCS are detailed in several documents that cover Levels 3 to 5.

The Section on Requirements Document Tree Structure gives an overview of the GMT requirements document tree to provide a context for the organizational structure used by the SWCS. Next, Level 3 SWCS Requirements provides an overview of SWCS Level 3 requirements and the document structures associated with each level.