DCS own Data Types (isample_types.coffee)#

Input and output ports of the components can use any kind of data type. Usually it’s convenient to group several simple data types into structured types to move data between components.

This file includes the specific structured data types required for the data input and output ports of the DCS components. Each structured type includes a brief description and the list of single types. Per each single type there is also a description, the implementation data type and the units used for this value if required.

Code: isample_types.coffee#
fs = require 'fs'

#Create a m2m plugin with transformations for StructType, Configuration and Enum

StructType "isample_hmi_buttons",
    desc: "digital inputs corresponding to pressed buttons"
    elements:   # Change name
        red_push_button:   { desc: "RED Push Button",       type: "bool",     units: "" }
        green_push_button: { desc: "GREEN Push Button",     type: "bool",     units: "" }
        emergency_button:  { desc: "Emergency Button",      type: "bool",     units: "" }

StructType "isample_temp_measurements",
    desc: "temperature measurements",
        temp_sensor1:      { desc: "temperature sensor #1", type: "uint16_t", units: "celsius" }
        temp_sensor2:      { desc: "temperature sensor #2", type: "uint16_t", units: "celsius" }
        press_sensor1:     { desc: "pressure sensor    #1", type: "uint16_t", units: "bar" }

StructType "isample_motor_status",
    desc: "status of motor device"
        ready:             { desc: "Axis Ready",            type: "bool",     units: "" }
        enabled:           { desc: "Axis Enabled",          type: "bool",     units: "" }
        warning:           { desc: "Axis Warning",          type: "bool",     units: "" }
        error:             { desc: "Axis Error",            type: "bool",     units: "" }
        moving_positive:   { desc: "Axis Moving +",         type: "bool",     units: "" }
        moving_negative:   { desc: "Axis Moving -",         type: "bool",     units: "" }

StructType "isample_hmi_leds",
    desc:  "digital outputs to control lights"
        pilot:             { desc: "Pilot Light",           type: "bool",     units: "on/off" }
        emergency_light:   { desc: "Emergency Light",       type: "bool",     units: "on/off" }
        heartbeat:         { desc: "Heartbeat",             type: "bool",     units: "0/1"    }
        counter:           { desc: "Counter",               type: "uint8_t",  units: "counts" }

StructType "isample_motor_control",
    desc:  "motor control"
        enable:            { desc: "Axis Enable",           type: "bool",     units: "" }
        reset:             { desc: "Axis Reset",            type: "bool",     units: "" }
        velocity:          { desc: "Velocity",              type: "int16_t",  units: "steps/s2" }

StructType "isample_sdo_data",
    desc: "service data objects",
        sensor_type_1:     { desc: "sensor #1 tech",        type: "uint16_t", units: "" }
        sensor_type_2:     { desc: "sensor #2 tech",        type: "uint16_t", units: "" }